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Name/Nickname: Keewadin-Nodin (AKA Keewadin, the North Wind, Kabebonikka, The Wintermaker, Old Man Winter) (NOTE, prefers going by Kabebonikka)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; ageless; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: The Aadizookaan Realm, above the sky; in the mountains in the far north of Hudson Bay (alternate dimension)
Height: 6'3"
Weight/Body Type: Slender
Eyes: Icy blue
Hair: White; long/straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Manitou/Aadizookaan
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Aromantic asexual
Siblings: Kabeyun (older brother), Shawondassee (younger sister), Wabun (younger brother)
Profession: North Wind; brings winter weather; created and controls the old Wendigoes
Distinguishing Characteristics: Polite and civil on the surface, but actually has no concern for anyone but himself; rarely loses his temper, and when he does it's very brief and not histrionic; very patient and methodical; entertains himself by setting up cruel "games" for humans and others to take part in, and watching the carnage; fits many criteria of a high-functioning sociopath; proud; devious and manipulative, but, as a manitou, is bound by his word
General Appearance: Tall, slender/androgynous build; long, straight white hair, icy blue glowing eyes; wan gray skin rather than copper; chilly smile; wears hooded, white/pale deerskin robes and moccasins decorated with fur trim and various winter-related items, necklaces with flint shards and quartz crystals, copper earrings, etc.; often keeps his hands tucked in his sleeves; long crawlike fingernails
First Appeared In: Escape From Manitou Island
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
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