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Justin Dupries Profile

Justin Dupries

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Name/Nickname: Justin Dupries (AKA Lord Justin, Monsieur Justin)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; roughly 19 years old (Manitou Island)-late twenties/early thirties; Scorpio
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: 5'9"
Weight/Body Type: Average; lean/fit
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown; short/straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Half human (Caucasian; French-Canadian), half demon (Ocryx); Manitou Islander
Relationship Status: In relationship (Shadow Water, girlfriend) (Manitou Island); married (Little Dove, wife) (Return To Manitou Island)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Numerous full, half-, and partial siblings, including but not limited to Buuos (half-brother), Ketawnii (half-brother), Khiieta (half-sister), Laabo (half-brother), Maanka (half-brother), Naaeyek (half-sister), Red Bird (half-sister), Silver Eagle Feather (half-sister), Tal Natha (half-brother), Thorn (half-brother); X'aaru (nephew/half-brother) (NOTE--due to Ocryxes' extremely limited population, geographic isolation, and promiscuity, incest is regarded as not ideal yet not taboo, either)
Profession: None, though is financially well off due to his parents
Distinguishing Characteristics: Has healing abilities; formerly always wore a necklace that contained half of his spirit; usually patient and levelheaded, but can get frustrated easily; occasionally impulsive or gloomy; has pined after Red Bird for years but respects that she's involved with Tal Natha and he's now involved with Little Dove; tends to wander the woods ostensibly to hunt, but more to think; can transform into an Ocryx
General Appearance: Wears Victorian-era gentleman's clothing; Ocryx form is slightly stockier (more like Ocryx's) than the Nathas and has brown fur, dark bronze wings flecked with gold, and horns curving up and outward like a cross between a bull's and an antelope's
First Appeared In: Manitou Island

Character Summary: [Son of Ocryx and Justine Dupries, his birth was part of a bargain with the demon so that Justine could bear a child. He is also, later, the husband of Little Dove and father of Page and Fleur Dupries, although for a long time he has feelings for Red Bird. He has a great healing ability due to his demon heritage and uses it often on Charmian and company. For a while Charmian harbors a crush on him despite their difference in age. He's often ashamed of his demon half, and discourages his children from using their own powers. Moody, considerate, guilty.]

Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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Manitou Island Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/1/25
Last Modified 1/13/25