Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Mishupishu Blog Entry

April 7, 2020, 11:15:05 PM
July 7, 2024, 12:12:31 AM

4/7/20: r/SketchDaily theme, "Lynx." This is a Lynx...an Underwater Lynx. Also known as Mishupishu, it's a figure from Ojibwa (Chippewa) myth, a type of lake monster with great copper horns, which dwelled in the Great Lakes and often contended with its enemy, the Thunderbird, or Animiki.

This is also a character in a fantasy serial of mine...this particular Mishupishu is docile and friendly, eating only fish and wishing only to live peacefully in his inland lake, away from the bigger, nastier Mishupishus who torment him. One of his spines is bent from an injury. My story describes him as being black, though that wouldn't have shown up well, and I imagine he's actually more of a dark greenish-black anyway. Still got the copper horns, though.

[Mishupishu 2020 [Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 11:15:05 PM]]

7/7/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Food Week: Fish." I never know what to draw for food themes. Here's a fellow I haven't drawn in a long time. Mishupishu from my Manitou Island storyline caught a fish snack and wants to show it off.

My previous Mishu art from lockdown 2020, holy yikes.

[Mishupishu & Snack [Sunday, July 7, 2024, 12:12:31 AM]]

Manitou Island Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 12/31/24
Last Modified 1/13/25