Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Alexander Marcott Blog Entry

Alexander Marcott
September 10, 2021, 2:32:34 AM

9/10/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." My character Alexander Marcott, from my fantasy serial. He's a Victorian-era English guy who lives in a cute little violet house and keeps the numerous journals and sketchbooks of voyageur/explorer Francois LaCroix safe and in order. Something I've realized about him only recently is that he has a crush on Francois but would never dare mention it. He was only kind of a secondary character in the original serial, and as far as I can recall never appeared in the second or (WIP) third, though he's supposed to appear in the fourth serial as a more important character. If I were motivated enough to get writing on it. 😑

I think he should be a bit nerdier looking but meh.

For funsies, and to see how my style has changed (though I did go through a long art hiatus), even though I haven't properly gone through and edited all of them yet, here's a quite old traditional artwork of Marcott...I don't have the date on the scan, but looking at old uploads I posted online, it dates to 2007 at the latest.

[Alexander Marcott 2021 [Friday, September 10, 2021, 2:32:34 AM]]

Manitou Island Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 12/31/24
Last Modified 1/13/25