Justine Dupries Blog Entry |
March 29, 2021, 5:10:42 AM 3/29/21: Justine Dupries, from my Manitou Island stories. She made a bargain with a demon and had a pretty unusual son as a result. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Everybody calls her "Lady Dupries" in the story for some weird reason when she should probably just be called Madame Dupries. She's upper class, but not royal or titled or anything...I don't think. While coloring her, I went Googling to see if I should give her eyeshadow. I learned Victorian ladies eschewed overly visible makeup, so I left her eyes plain. I also briefly descended a rabbit hole of learning how Victorian ladies went to the bathroom and did their business and all that and that was more than I needed to know for this particular drawing, yes. ...Why is Spotify giving me so many explicit songs tonight? 🤨 Yeesh, Smash Into Pieces Radio wasn't like this before... Oh, and go, go, go, Ever Given! World's biggest case of constipation ever, am I right? Okay, I'm feeling deja vu and it's time for bed. Goodnight. [Justine Dupries 2021 [Monday, March 29, 2021, 5:10:42 AM]] |