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Name/Nickname: Set (AKA Seth, Sutekh, The Usurper, The Destroyer, The Red)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; forties; Scorpio
Birthplace/Current Location: Celestial Iunu, Celestial Kemet (was previously banished to the western desert)
Height: 5'10"
Weight/Body Type: Average; athletic/fit
Eyes: Red (can glow bright blue)
Hair: Red; long, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Neteru; Kemeti
Relationship Status: Married (Nephthys, wife)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Osiris, Isis, Nephthys
Profession: God of the desert, storms, darkness, barrenness, chaos; later, defends the boat of the sun from the demons of the Duat
Distinguishing Characteristics: Usually comes across as calm, well spoken, courteous but oily, ingratiating, genteel, but with a distinct note of condescension, as if he considers most others beneath him; when frustrated can quickly turn enraged and lash out violently, though he prefers to plan his attacks; proud, ruthless and calculating; holds grudges for a long time; was very upper class when residing in Kemet, but adapted well to a rougher desert life when he was exiled, and had some difficulty adapting back to Celestial Kemeti life when his banishment ended; easily bored; thrives on physical conflict; high pain tolerance; astoundingly quick reflexes and swimming ability
General Appearance: Average height, athletic build, long red hair, gold-infused kohl around eyes, earrings and jewelry; has the head of an unknown, anteater-like animal with a curved snout, tusks, and upward-curving, squared-off ears; unusual red eyes that can glow blue (sign of divinity); wears an Apsiu-style skullcap and lappets with royal uraeus, traditional girdle, kilt, bull's tail, and sandals; carries a khopesh sword with a specialized extending grip
First Appeared In: NA
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
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