Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Osiris Profile


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Name/Nickname: Osiris (AKA Asar, Ausares, The First Of The Westerners)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; forties; Pisces
Birthplace/Current Location: Celestial Iunu/Amenti/The Duat, Celestial Kemet
Height: 6'
Weight/Body Type: Average; fit/athletic
Eyes: Blue, glowing
Hair: Black; bobbed above shoulders, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Neteru; Kemeti
Relationship Status: Married (Isis)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Isis, Set, Nephthys
Profession: God of the underworld, judge of the dead
Distinguishing Characteristics: Prior to his death, was a beloved ruler, kind, compassionate, idealistic, fair to his people, saw the good in everyone; following his death, has become cynical and distrusting, and although still fair to those he judges and rules over, is now somewhat more feared than loved, due to his cold/reserved nature and occasionally cruel punishments; tends to keep everyone except Isis at arm's length, including the rest of his family, so his relationships with Horus and especially Anubis are rather strained; Isis is the only one he still trusts unconditionally, and he would do anything for her; often feels guilt over Anubis's birth as well as his emotional distance from his sons and his own bitterness/distrust--wishes he still had it in him to see the best in others, but doesn't; has a perpetual air of vague sadness
General Appearance: Tall, fit, black hair bobbed above his shoulders but rarely seen due to his ornate headdress (Atef crown), kohl around eyes, earrings and jewelry; before death had copper skin and dark brown eyes, now has green skin and glowing blue eyes, signifying his divine yet deceased status; usually dresses in linen wrappings (signifying his mummified state) and funereal robes, carrying a crook and flail and wearing a false beard
First Appeared In: NA

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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Kemet/Horus Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 12/30/24
Last Modified 1/13/25