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Name/Nickname: Horus (AKA Heru, Horus The Younger)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; twenties; Leo
Birthplace/Current Location: Delta swamps, Kemet; Celestial Iunu, Celestial Kemet
Height: 5'10"
Weight/Body Type: Average; lightly muscular, athletic/fit
Eyes: Right eye dark brown, left eye glowing blue (both can glow bright blue)
Hair: Black; long, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Neteru; Kemeti
Relationship Status: Married (Hathor, wife)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Anubis (half-brother)
Profession: Last divine king of Kemet; god of the sun, light, goodness/virtue, vengeance
Distinguishing Characteristics: Quiet, polite, modest; unusually deferential to others due to his humble upbringing, so frequently doubts his own leadership decisions and prefers to seek the input of others; can come across as indecisive and wavering when insecure; dislikes violence and political intrigue but will engage in it if he has to, although he prefers the diplomatic approach; somewhat too honest and upright for his own good--can have difficulty figuring out the hidden motives of others, although his sense of intuition is strong; skilled at hunting, swimming, boating, and other activities required of Delta life; ill at ease in the royal palace or dressing up for audiences, prefers nature and simplicity; like the rest of his family, has strong healing abilities
General Appearance: Average height, lightly muscled/athletic build, long black hair, gold-infused kohl around eyes, jewelry; has the head of lanner falcon; eyes were originally dark brown, though after his left eye was torn out by Set and then healed, it permanently glows blue like his other eye occasionally does (sign of divinity); wears various royal headdress including the Double Crown and a simple gold circlet with uraeus and stylized upright feathers(?) and lappets, traditional girdle, kilt, bull's tail, and sandals; carries a lance
First Appeared In: NA
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
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