Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Hathor Profile


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Name/Nickname: Hathor (AKA Het-Heru, Het-Hert, Athyr)
Gender: Female
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; thirties; Leo
Birthplace/Current Location: Celestial Iunu, Celestial Kemet
Height: 5'9"
Weight/Body Type: Average; slender/curvy
Eyes: Dark brown (can glow bright blue)
Hair: Black; long, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Neteru; Kemeti
Relationship Status: Married (Horus)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Numerous, including (but not limited to) Bastet, Geb, Maat, Maftet, Nut, Sakhmet, Selket, Shu, Tefnut
Profession: Goddess of love and occasionally war
Distinguishing Characteristics: Tries to appear dignified and serene/above petty squabbles, but has a decidedly mean streak and ugly temper; emotionally manipulative and spiteful, but gets angry and offended if anyone calls her out on this; holds grudges for a long time; likes to toy with other people's feelings/relationships almost as if it's a game
General Appearance: Tall, slender but curvy, long black hair, copper skin, dark brown eyes (glow blue when piqued); cow's ears and horns, with a sun disk between the latter; prefers dressing in the color red; often carries a bow and quiver of arrows which she uses to make others fall in and out of love; can have a cow's head or transform into a cow
First Appeared In: NA

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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Kemet/Horus Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 12/30/24
Last Modified 1/13/25