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Name/Nickname: Anubis (AKA Anpu, The Deathbringer, The Bastard Prince, The Rebel Prince)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; twenties; Cancer
Birthplace/Current Location: Celestial Iunu, Celestial Kemet
Height: 5'9"
Weight/Body Type: Average; slender
Eyes: Dark brown (can glow bright blue)
Hair: Black; long, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Neteru; Kemeti
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Horus (half-brother)
Profession: God of death/the dead, god of embalming, presides over the Scales of Justice at the Final Judgement
Distinguishing Characteristics: Quiet, sensitive, moody, introverted; highly empathic, especially toward mortals, whom he understands more than most of the other gods due to his job bringing death to them; has a strong sense of personal justice, which sometimes conflicts with the type of justice the gods mete out; is generally obedient toward authority but can have a rebellious streak when he feels it's warranted; still bears trauma of witnessing the murder of his father, plus faint but deep-seated resentment about being lied to for years regarding his parentage, so can occasionally lash out in anger; envious of his half-brother Horus, but feels guilt about this and tries to hide it; has more in common with his uncle Set than he'd like to admit
General Appearance: Average height, slender build, long black hair, gold-infused kohl around eyes, earrings and jewelry; has the head of a black jackal; wears an Apsiu-style skullcap and lappets with royal uraeus, traditional girdle, kilt, bull's tail, and sandals
First Appeared In: NA
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
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