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Danielle Windrow Profile

Danielle Windrow

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Name/Nickname: Danielle Windrow (AKA Dani; formerly Daniel)
Gender: Female (transgender)
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; twenties/thirties; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: NA; formerly Minot, ND/currently NA
Height: 5'8"
Weight/Body Type: Average/slender
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown, short, straight; pixie cut
Race/Ethnic Background: Caucasian; European-American
Relationship Status: In relationship (NA, current boyfriend; Max Kristeva, ex-boyfriend)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: NA
Profession: Formerly worked in a bookstore; currently NA
Distinguishing Characteristics: Polite, quiet and reserved; cautious and slow to warm to others due to past bad experiences and fear of rejection or violence, but friendly and devoted when she can trust them; willing to forgive and give people a second chance if they seem sincere, otherwise avoids them, and tries to avoid conflict; good at blending into the background/going unnoticed; has learned to be frugal and self-reliant, keeping most others at arm's distance
General Appearance: Average height, slender build; short, light brown hair in a pixie cut; brown eyes; fair complexion; glasses; polite but reserved/slightly withdrawn demeanor with strangers, tends to avoid much eye contact; dresses semi-casually but well, even on a low budget; body posture rather drawn in on herself and unobtrusive
First Appeared In: NA

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/3/25
Last Modified 1/3/25