Joseph Silvertree
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Name/Nickname: Joseph Silvertree (AKA Joe)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; thirties/forties; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Minot, North Dakota
Height: 6'3"
Weight/Body Type: Fit/athletic
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black, short, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Native American Indian; Lakota Sioux
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Aromantic homosexual
Siblings: NA
Profession: Lakota tribal police officer
Distinguishing Characteristics: Aloof, quiet, asocial, not very approachable; comes across as cold and humorless; can have a nasty temper, but usually controls it; excellent and professional at his job but his personal life is usually either nonexistent or a mess; is a high-functioning sociopath (undiagnosed) with sadistic tendencies and this shows in his sexual relationships with others; doesn't develop romantic attachments; for a while was engaged to Amy Tall Horse, who knew he was in the closet yet went along with it and even encouraged his relationship with Justin Reichert; after that ended messily, he's neither in nor out of the closet, just engages in various short-term (usually volatile) relationships while no one talks about it
General Appearance: Tall, athletic; short black hair, dark brown eyes; copper skin; always formal while on the job; dresses casually (but not slovenly) off the job; unfriendly facial expression, rarely smiles (when he does it's more unsettling than anything); despite his tribal ties, eschews jewelry or any clothing/items with native designs--only wears such clothing when appearing as a fancy dancer
First Appeared In: NA
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
[Please report typos!]
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