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Luke Jonas Profile

Luke Jonas

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Name/Nickname: Luke Jonas
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; forties/fifties; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: NA; Minot, North Dakota
Height: 6'
Weight/Body Type: Average; lightly muscular/fit
Eyes: Gray-blue
Hair: Brownish-gray; straight, short
Race/Ethnic Background: Caucasian; NA
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Aromantic, sexuality uncertain
Siblings: NA
Profession: Formerly chief of Kappa Security on the Kristeva estate; still employed by The Company (part of the Four P Movement cult)
Distinguishing Characteristics: As chief of Kappa Security, was widely reviled by most of his subordinates as he was incredibly strict and unforgiving, relying on punishment and intimidation to keep others in line--only the other security members who also belonged to Four P liked him at all; although deferential to his employer, Dr. Ivan Kristeva, was frequently at odds with Dr. Kristeva's son, Max, who found ways to get him and his cohorts in trouble while getting his subordinates off the hook--as a result, Max Kristeva, one of Jonas's abuse victims, was well liked by most of the younger members of Kappa Security, a fact which wore heavily on Jonas; despises Kristeva while at the same time being attracted to him, and carries a deep grudge against him which motivates much of his behavior
General Appearance: Average/tall height, fit build; formerly brown hair now turning steely gray, short and neatly styled; cold gray-blue eyes; usually dresses well, keeps in shape; facial expression usually angry or disgusted/disapproving
First Appeared In: NA

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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D Is For Damien Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/3/25
Last Modified 1/13/25