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Luther Broderick Profile

Luther Broderick

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Name/Nickname: Luther Broderick (AKA Loony Luther, Lean Beast)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; late twenties/forties; Scorpio
Birthplace/Current Location: NA; Cheboygan, MI
Height: 6'2"
Weight/Body Type: Average; athletic/fit
Eyes: Light icy blue (often remarked upon as his most distinguishing feature)
Hair: Blond; straight, short (above the neck) but a bit longer than usual
Race/Ethnic Background: Caucasian; Irish- or Welsh-American
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Dorinda Jane (DJ) Broderick (younger sister), Austin James (AJ) Broderick (younger brother)
Profession: Regional high priest of Scorpio cult
Distinguishing Characteristics: Suffered a mental breakdown in his teens and never fully recovered, so is literally "crazy" in some ways--thus making him an appropriate leader for a cult--but is frequently high functioning; has many traits of sociopathy, such as a charming, charismatic nature, near lack of conscience, and poor impulse control when angered, though these traits are likely due to abusive childhood and not inborn; possible delusions of grandeur; well respected and adored by his followers, especially after shooting the previous (reviled) high priest, Alec Bodine--treats them far better than Bodine did; seductive while also vaguely threatening; ruthless and opportunistic; capable of great violence but prefers to win others over when possible; rageful and murderous when crossed
General Appearance: Tall, lean build; blond hair, a bit longer than usual but still above the neck; light, icy blue eyes (a feature that runs in his family) often described by others as mesmerizing or unsettling; usually dresses casually; during rituals/as high priest, wears long black and red robes, pentagram necklace, dagger, and a goat skull headdress
First Appeared In: D Is For Damien

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

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D Is For Damien Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/3/25
Last Modified 1/13/25