Jeremy Virtanen Blog Entry |
December 24, 2019, 3:05:58 AM December 26, 2019, 2:30:51 AM February 5, 2020, 3:43:48 AM February 21, 2020, 2:19:39 AM May 15, 2020, 9:55:15 PM February 19, 2021, 12:06:06 AM 12/24/19: Something a little out of my comfort zone. This is an attempted rough pic of my police character Sgt. Jeremy Virtanen. Now, Virtanen is kind of an anomaly among my characters as he doesn't possess quite the same physical features as most of my male characters; he's a bit older than most of the police characters I drool over, I picture him having a rather long face, and he has short, dark, very curly hair. Not tousled hair, like say Reichert is supposed to have--but actually CURLY. Almost none of my characters possess this hair type, and the few who do are usually women--for example, I've referred to it as "wavy" before, but I think Det. Rosedale's hair type actually counts as curly. She just wears it longer and in a tail so it's not as noticeable, but I imagine she looks pretty different getting out of the shower or something. Speaking of Rosedale...Virtanen's Tragic Story ™ heavily involves her, and hers involves him. He was the first on scene, as a young patrol officer, after her parents reported her brother's, Jason's, kidnapping, and quickly established a rapport with the then very young Rosedale by speaking to her respectfully and referring to her as Mike rather than Michelle, since her dad had said she preferred that; the detectives who took over the scene shortly after called her "Michelle" and took her story less seriously. Fast-forward to when Rosedale was a teen attending her prom; Virtanen, now the sergeant in charge of the local police department, was the only one on duty and managed to coax Rosedale back into the police station after she arrived on foot, bloody and disheveled, then started to turn away; he took her statement and kept her company at the hospital the entire time a rape kit was done, and calmed her down when a nurse's offer of the morning after pill made her break down. Rosedale afterward admitted that he and her dad were the only ones who took her seriously when Jason was kidnapped. Fast-forward yet again, and Virtanen was surprised when Rosedale joined the police department herself, quickly making detective; she expressed romantic interest in him, but he turned her down, because of his rank and their difference in age (which I figure must've been roughly 15 years). Fast-forward a little bit more, and Sgt. Virtanen, after collapsing at work, revealed that he was undergoing treatment for stage 4 pancreatic cancer. After he resigned his post, Rosedale again made her case, and they were involved in a close relationship, with Rosedale staying the nights in a cot beside Virtanen's hospital bed as he declined. After his death, she felt she would never be lucky enough to meet someone as patient and understanding as he was again...she was wrong, but that's for another post. ...I really need to figure out how to draw curly hair. 😕 And I'm running late for bed--so I'll have to proofread this later! 😳 [Rough Virtanen Sketch 2019 [Tuesday, December 24, 2019, 3:05:58 AM]] 12/26/19: Second attempt at Sgt. Jeremy Virtanen. Face shape is better, though still seems to suffer from an issue I described earlier (too narrow and "pushed forward"). Plus hair is still goofy. (I picture him with tighter curls.) [Rough Virtanen Sketch 2019 2 [Thursday, December 26, 2019, 2:30:51 AM]] 2/5/20: 'Nother Jeremy Virtanen attempt. This time I drew the vertical face centerline before working on the jaw. Eyes are a bit too big and curly hair still weird, plus jaw could extend back some. [Rough Virtanen Sketch 2020 [Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 3:43:48 AM]] 2/21/20: Yep...Sgt. Jeremy Virtanen again. Aside from the still-wonky hair, I think this effort looks better than the others so far. Jaw could still go back some. ... News on the scanning front: Just as I finished scanning my old practice sketches, I happened to glance at my bookshelf and noticed an unlined notepad. 🤨 Curious, I opened it up and...found yet ANOTHER batch of practice sketches, these ones apparently circa 2009, which I have zero memory of making. _-_ So I stayed up late scanning those...the auto-cropping got really weird, occasionally omitting entire parts of the scan, once even tilting a sketch diagonally and including a section of the scanner lid in the shot...I resorted to dog-earing first one corner, then two, then all of them, in hopes of the scanner detecting the edges properly...then the next day started on the (mostly) inked drawings of the 100 Themes Challenge. And THEN figured out how to set a page size for it to crop to. Something I should've used from the start. _-_ SO...I may need to rescan those 300+ sketches to crop more uniformly since I have OCD and I'm a dip who can't use a simple scanner properly. (I have yet to see if the results will be worth it...still doing the 100 Themes.) This is going to take a while. My practice sketches are super-duper repetitive, though, so if my four followers are getting a kick out of the umpteenth Virtanen or Rosedale pic, they should love my practice art. Either that, or they'll unfollow me...we'll see. [Rough Virtanen Sketch 2020 2 [Friday, February 21, 2020, 2:19:39 AM]] 5/15/20: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." No polished Sony Sketch drawings today, I tried a few rough character sketches on instead. (I don't draw pupils/finished eyes on unfinished portraits...makes me feel weirdly self-conscious.) Secondly, my billionth attempt at Sgt. Jeremy Virtanen, there are a slew of others in my Tumblr. Long face should be longer, if I had more room on the drawing space I would've done so. Curly hair (it's dark brown) still irks me. [Rough Virtanen Sketch 2020 3 [Friday, May 15, 2020, 9:55:15 PM]] 2/19/21: Well should it be any surprise I'd take yet ANOTHER shot at Rugby PD Sgt. Jeremy Virtanen...? What with the slew of abortive previous attempts? (Here. Here. Here. Here. And here. Unlike previous portraits, I have no finished one to link to.) He's still not perfect but here he is. I actually forgot his hair color--dark brown, or black??--and did a different layer for both, flipping between them indecisively. I almost went with black...then, since he has no profile yet, went looking back through my previous Tumblr entries about him, and there it was--"dark brown." Well, all right. Now I have him out of the way. [Jeremy Virtanen 2021 [Friday, February 19, 2021, 12:06:06 AM]] |