Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Wesley Singer Blog Entry

Wesley Singer
August 5, 2019, 3:21:01 AM
February 3, 2021, 3:24:48 PM

8/5/19: Det. Wesley Singer, "placeholder" appearance. That's what I'll call this for now. I actually picture him (as well as I can picture him, which isn't that well yet) with somewhat longer/thicker/wavier hair, more in keeping with the time period in which he appears in my writing (late Seventies/early Eighties), though not TOO much in keeping, since there was some seriously goofy hair back then. I had trouble drawing such hair, though...I have another unfinished sketch which got a thicker hairstyle which seems to be turning out okay, but I just couldn't picture Singer with that hair, so I set that drawing aside to maybe turn it into someone else later on...I have no idea who, but I didn't want to toss away a promising sketch. :/ I mean, the hair is passable.

God, men's hair is so DIFFICULT to draw. 😖 This turned out okay mostly by luck, and like I said, it's not quite how I see him but it'll have to do for now. And anyway, in my head I've already established that 1. Singer and my modern-day, completely unrelated detective Justin Reichert physically resemble each other, so when I draw Reichert he should end up looking kind of like this; and 2. if any future drawing I come up with for Det. Max Kristeva also resembles this, well, Kristeva DID model his main personality after how he remembered Singer, after all, so that could very well include physical appearance, too.

And it's becoming obvious by now that the drawing "style" I keep falling into when I try to draw people (this is the second time--much similar results) can't take much account of greatly individualized appearances. 😐 This still bothers me a lot, but I can't currently find a way around it. And besides, when I browse Toyhou.se, lots of artists much more skilled than I'll ever be seem to have lots of characters who all basically look the same, too, just with different hairstyles/color schemes. Those artists don't seem too bothered. So...maybe I should go easier on myself.

Sigh. Anyway...Det. Singer's history is long and unfortunate (he's missing and correctly presumed dead by the time the main story takes place), and you can see it HERE.

Goodnight. 😴

[Wesley Singer 2019 [Monday, August 5, 2019, 3:21:01 AM]]

2/3/21: So, late last night and earlier today I redid my portrait of Minot detective Wesley "Fox" Singer. Well hello there, stranger. 😳 Too bad he's been dead since the early Eighties...

And now I look at the other portraits I've only just redone and see so many, many flaws. Sigh.

Anyway, Singer's previous portrait and Toyhou.se link are HERE. Of course his story is tragic, what more would you expect by now...?

[Wesley Singer 2021 [Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 3:24:48 PM]]

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