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Joseph Silvertree Blog Entry

Joseph Silvertree
November 19, 2021, 3:21:34 AM

11/19/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." I know, two character portraits in a row, but I need the practice. ;_; This is Officer Joseph "Joe" Silvertree. He's...ah...the best word to describe him isn't really suitable for here...so I guess I'll just say he's a piece of work. For a time he was involved with Det. Justin Reichert but the two of them are like oil and water and it didn't end well. I think he's probably a high-functioning sociopath...or maybe he's just really a piece of work. He's not one of my bad guys, BTW, and is actually good at his job, he's just...not a people person.

This portrait rather bugs me, it doesn't quite look like him; maybe I rushed it too much to get it right, or just need more experience. His hair is supposed to be longer on top and trimmed very short on the sides but I'm bad at such things.

[Joseph Silvertree 2021 [Friday, November 19, 2021, 3:21:34 AM]]

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