Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Michelle Rosedale Blog Entry

Michelle Rosedale
July 22, 2019, 2:20:43 AM
July 29, 2019, 3:03:56 AM
July 31, 2019, 1:24:13 AM
July 31, 2019, 9:37:40 PM
December 23, 2019, 3:01:15 PM
February 12, 2020, 2:32:56 PM
January 30, 2021, 5:47:20 AM

7/22/19: Getting ahead of myself...I decided to try drawing one of my Minot characters, whose faces famously elude me...since I picture her a tad bit better than characters like Lt. Kincaid or Det. Kristeva, I decided on Det. Michelle "Mike" Rosedale. Here's a VERY VERY tentative sketch. As expected, I didn't get the hair quite right (she doesn't have bangs, so much as stray locks of hair that tend to fall in her face), but this was just to see if I could draw SOMETHING not horrendously cringeworthy...and to be honest...I'm not completely repelled by her. Amazing. Wish this'd happen more often.

I wasn't going to give her irises/pupils. It's just a thing of mine, that the drawing isn't "finished," doesn't have a soul, and can't look back at me cringing at how awful it is, if the eyes aren't completed...I can't really explain it except to say I've had similar issues with real people's eyes, making eye contact, the eyes on toys and posters, etc., that if I can't see them then they can't see me...but since Rosedale's perpetually haunted/pained/angry stare is such an important part of her character and appearance (and she has plenty of good reason to look that way)...I drew in the eye parts. Didn't clean up all the mess around them so she looks rather sleep deprived and insane, but like I said it's rough still. Had to leave some edges on it so it doesn't pass as finished.

I'll probably hate it in the morning. 😐

(You can read about Rosedale here. And see the awesome art someone gifted me of her! 😊 )

[Rough Rosedale Sketch 2019 [Monday, July 22, 2019, 2:20:43 AM]]

7/29/19: VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT UGH UGH UGH!!! I debated with myself all day about just deleting this monstrosity or, at best, erasing it in part/total because it just wasn't worth finishing. I feel like crud posting it here because it's AWFUL but I guess the purpose of a crap art blog is to plow through the crap in the hopes it eventually gets better...plus I'm anal about deleting anything of mine...so...here's a second, abortive, attempt at Det. Mike Rosedale. (The much better ROUGH SKETCH(!) is located HERE.) In addition to face shape, I have great difficulty with hairlines (I even looked at others' work, how do they do it??) and ended up just giving her bangs again and even those didn't work and I couldn't even draw her ponytail and her mouth just...UGH. WHAT'S WITH HER MOUTH.

To quote a review I got on an adult story of mine once, "There is nothing about this that is even remotely good."

I just...feel so down and disappointed in myself. After discovering that alternate technique to draw a 3/4 face, my hopes got so high and I felt enthusiastic again about drawing, which is hard for me, since my stuff almost NEVER turns out anywhere near how I'd hoped. I know, I know...practice. But I went through this already in the past (go looking for my DeviantArt for the evidence, I'm just plain tehuti there), and didn't make much progress then, either. It just seems that every time I make a tiny improvement, I promptly backslide. 😞

(Incidentally, that story review I mentioned above...? Came right after a review on a different story where the same reader had nothing but effusive praise. Story of my life, I guess...a glimmer of goodness...followed by crap.)

So yeah...just back to viewing all my efforts as crap that will never be anywhere near what I want it to be. Sigh.

...In somewhat better news, though, I'm finally done backdating my posts properly, so aside from the sad fact that no search engines will bother indexing this blog 😩 , everything is up to date and good to go.

[Rough Rosedale Sketch 2019 2 [Monday, July 29, 2019, 3:03:56 AM]]

7/31/19: Ugh. It's better than my last horrid attempt (especially the "bangs"), but still not as good as my really rough first attempt. I tried several times to improve it, and when I look at it up close it's almost okay, but when I see it in thumbnail, as if from afar, it just sucks. Still can't do hairlines. Top of head seems too small. And the slope of the face is always too much or too little (witness my Charmian drawing for the latter, I thought it was good...until I looked at it again the next day). I don't understand why I'm having so much trouble replicating the success of THIS...the rough sketch that gave me such hope in the first place.

(I've developed a crush on Unidentified Rough Sketch Guy so I wonder if he should be Det. Kristeva. Doesn't matter I guess, since I'll probably never draw anyone that good looking again. -_- )

I compromised. Saw no point in finishing/coloring the drawing (which I actually did the bulk of on 7/30) since it's just not good enough. Filled in the eyes anyway. It made her look a little less sh*tty. But not enough.

After a cruddy day I really could've used a small success, too. Sigh. 😞

[Rough Rosedale Sketch 2019 3 [Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 1:24:13 AM]]

7/31/19: Well...Det. Mike Rosedale. Again. 😐

Sony Sketch says I worked on this for over an hour. My previous efforts clocked in at a little over a half hour, under 15min., and under 10min. I usually give up at the half-hour mark.

I'd ask what anyone thinks, but I don't really have anyone to ask. And I'm late for bed. So...goodnight, I guess.

EDIT: Had to delete the old post and reupload because apparently you can't update a photo on Tumblr, or even post a second one from the Web (only option given was to upload from my device). I made a tiny change to her eyes; they were bugging me. Still are, though not as much.


Now a huge rant about the possible future of this blog:

As if Tumblr's limitations aren't bad enough...now Imgur has abruptly, and without warning, stopped allowing users to upload images via the mobile site--you can only use their sh*tty app. Which offers NO way to sort your pics into albums. Or any way to even FIND those albums. And what's more, the image URLs provided by the app are completely different from the ones you get on the site! 😡 (I tested this myself. Two different URLs brought me to the same image.)

So apparently, I now have to upload through the app (which also forces you to "follow" crap you don't want to follow)...then do everything else, including posting my art here, from the mobile site...unless my luck/Imgur corporate decisions turn even sh*ttier and they disable the mobile site completely. Which, considering this decision ("Sorry, users, we don't want you uploading stuff from your tablet browser anymore because barely anybody does it and apparently that's a huge burden for us, you can use our only half-functional app instead and get confused by the conflicting image links and the total inability to organize stuff, hope you understand!"), wouldn't be too surprising. 🙄

Go figure, I only just started this blog and already they're making it difficult to maintain. 😞

Sorry about the repost, couldn't find any other way to edit it.

[Michelle Rosedale 2019 [Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 9:37:40 PM]]

12/23/19: The boost of confidence I got from my previous rough sketch was quickly annihilated by how badly I messed up Det. Rosedale yet again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think mainly it's the jaw. Bleh.

Her current "official" portrait is HERE.

[Rough Rosedale Sketch 2019 4 [Monday, December 23, 2019, 3:01:15 PM]]

2/12/20: Another Det. Rosedale attempt. Eyes are misaligned, though that's something I tend to fix with the selection tool, which Kleki lacks for some reason. Chin still bugs me a little...hair and chins/jaws, these are my weak spots, which I only seem to get right by chance. Sigh.

And my tablet browsers are handling Tumblr in a difficult manner now, too. It's like they don't want me to post.

[Rough Rosedale Sketch 2020 [Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 2:32:56 PM]]

1/30/21: Hm, well, I stayed up way too late (thus why I'm posting it now) to attempt another character portrait redo. Of course this is Det. Michelle "Mike" Rosedale, NOT of the Minot PD but of the Rugby, ND PD. (I'll take a second to mention that these are my fictional versions of said cities. I'm sure the fictional Minot and Rugby are far more fascinating and crime riddled than the real ones. And most of the geography is probably made up, too. 😐 ) She travels to Minot frequently enough to be one of their cops, though...

Her previous portrait, which IMO isn't too outdated just yet, is HERE, as well as the link to her Toyhou.se profile...oops, no, wait. Hm, the profile isn't there, so HERE it is. Yes, I'm getting sick of seeing the outdated portraits there, so am giving them redo priority. Wish I were doing better (I think I positioned Devetko's and Rosedale's mouths too low but it's too late to edit them now 😖 ) but...well...I'm just not so good at this. Meh. Did I forget to mention curly hair is freaking hard to draw? Good thing almost none of my characters have it...Sgt. Jeremy Virtanen (Mike's former boss and significant other) has curly hair too and CRIPES for the life of me I can't figure out how to draw it.

I'm mulling over redoing Leslie "Henny-Penny" Henrick next. (Don't call him Henny-Penny. He hates it.)

[Michelle Rosedale 2021 [Saturday, January 30, 2021, 5:47:20 AM]]

D Is For Damien Character Info

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Page Created 1/2/25
Last Modified 1/13/25