Felix Mareno Blog Entry |
August 26, 2021, 2:58:53 PM August 27, 2021, 4:28:25 AM 8/26/21: Practice for upcoming sketch. UGH I SUCK WITH SHORT HAIR. 😣 [Rough Mareno Sketch 2021 [Thursday, August 26, 2021, 2:58:53 PM]] 8/27/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." I'm STILL trying to figure out short hairstyles, not sure why they give me such trouble. 😖 Anyway, this is Det. Felix Mareno, my character Det. Mike Rosedale's occasional partner; they're not official partners as it's such a small police station they don't always work in pairs. Mareno carries a torch for Rosedale, of which she's totally unaware until Det. Max Kristeva (whom she thinks is interested in her, when he isn't) informs her, then she's just mortified. (Rosedale is not good at reading guys. She's also not interested in a relationship with Mareno. He isn't offended, though.) Incidentally, Mareno ALSO mistakenly thinks Kristeva's interested in Rosedale (seriously, he isn't) and spends a good amount of the unwritten story trying to outmacho him when that's another thing Kristeva's not interested in; so he pretty much deflects Mareno's efforts with gaslighting and mindgames, instead. Good times. This isn't exactly how I picture Mareno. He was largely modeled after Enrique Murciano's character Danny Taylor from Without A Trace, with hair like Benjamin Bratt's character Reynaldo Curtis from his early episodes of Law & Order (when it was cut short and did that little upright thing in front). As you can see, I have no clue how to convey such hair. And I'm tired of typing so that's enough for now. [Felix Mareno 2021 [Friday, August 27, 2021, 4:28:25 AM]] |