Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Maxwell Kristeva Blog Entry

Maxwell Kristeva
August 12, 2019, 10:53:22 PM
February 22, 2020, 2:10:14 AM
December 13, 2020, 3:04:49 PM
January 19, 2021, 10:22:18 PM
March 14, 2021, 3:09:04 AM
April 15, 2021, 5:50:21 PM

8/12/19: Well...here's my lone Toyhou.se holdout, Det. Max Kristeva. I'm not happy and not sad about how he turned out. :/ I guess he'll do for now.

His very weird history is HERE. (Tl;dr?--he has at least ten personalities. That I know of. So far. Actually, a lot is omitted from his profile. But since I've been writing more profiles, I've been dumping in more info I hadn't originally intended to. So he may get yet more weirdness added later on.)

He's also the main character in this WIP story which I haven't graced with a consistent title yet.

...And now, since his profile is the next I've been working on (and I'd like to submit profiles with art from now on, maybe they'll get more attention that way...probably not...but maybe), I'm attempting to draw Det. Justin Reichert. He's supposed to have short, tousled hair. Which means it isn't going well just yet. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ I think I'm going to start him over and hope I figure out the hair soon. At least this gives me lots of time to listen to Within Temptation Radio and Heavy Ballads on Google Play Music...I should really buy that UnSun album already.

'Night, dumb art Tumblr.

[Max Kristeva 2019 [Monday, August 12, 2019, 10:53:22 PM]]

2/22/20: So I have an art update but I need to submit a piece to give me an excuse to share it. LE SIGH. And I told myself, you deserve something other than yet another Virtanen or Rosedale. So I brought up his current (horrendous) portrait...and gave Det. Max Kristeva another go. He's sharing his thoughts. That's probably Number Three talking. (See his Toyhou.se profile for what that means. I need to revamp it too BTW. Would you believe I've learned yet more about him? Like this guy has been ritually abused, raped, drugged, kidnapped, brainwashed, gaslighted, stuck in a mental hospital, electroshocked, nearly drowned at least twice, nearly murdered, stabbed, attempted suicide, got in a car accident, found out that hey he has like ten personalities (so far), I'm surely forgetting something.) I know, Max. I know.


So, art update to THIS and THIS. I WAS STILL MISSING A DRAWING!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ While preparing to scan the sketch of the 100 Themes Challenge piece "Heal Thyself," it suddenly dawned on me that...it wasn't inked. Yet I could've sworn I'd seen an inked version uploaded online. The Flickr folder showed me nothing...yet there it was, in the DeviantArt folder. (I'd just never uploaded it to Flickr.) ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'd looked EVERYWHERE and there was just no reason for it not to be with the other drawings! I'd even found two versions of the next theme, so why was this one missing??

I looked forlornly at the bookshelf, the magazine stack, the closet bins. It wasn't in any of those. I made plans to pull the bins out yet again anyway and look in the one with art supplies, though odds of my drawing being in there were slim. I just...had no idea where else to look.

Going into the hallway, I noticed an old dusty bookbag that's been sitting by my door for ages. Skeptical, I nonetheless pulled it into my room and looked within. Found some old magazines, a few papers of mine (including an old poem ๐Ÿคจ ), a wildlife book...and a few MORE sketchpad drawings. (WTF, do these things never end??) But no "Heal Thyself." I sadly went out to move my computer into my room for the night...and paused to peer into the dining room. There are some old plastic bins under the table, and it was from there that I'd rescued most of the materials now stored in my closet. I thought I'd taken everything of mine...but what if...? The dining room, after all, was where our desktop computer was located long ago...as well as our old scanner. (Fun fact--Det. Kristeva's weird dining room setup in my fiction, with the desktop computer and corkboard full of grisly ritual crime news clippings tucked in the corner, was loosely based on our own dining room.) And, shining a light on the corner of one bin, I thought I saw the edge of an old computer printout that might have been something of mine.

I crouched down and started pulling out bins (so much dust ;_; ) and shuffling contents around. Found a couple of old books...the missing cover of my Nightwish CD...lots of computer CDs (I wonder if my missing Rock City photos are on one...)...my old Polaroid and Canon cameras (wha... ๐Ÿ˜• )...and yet MORE old artwork I'd forgotten about. In a page protector, I spied printouts of some of my old portrait sketches...and when I pulled those out..."Heal Thyself," inked version, came out with them.

Holy CRIPES I so hope that's the last of them! ๐Ÿ˜– I think I've used up all my finding-stuff luck!

Then I put all the bins back, returned to my room to keep scanning and to draw this, and I was like, "Huh, that's halfway good," and Kleki was like, "Hey, Tehuti, don't you think you should save this masterpiece, before we decide to crash or refresh and you lose it? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ " and I was like, "Yeah, Kleki, that's probably a good idea." And I could've been scanning yet more stuff instead of talking to drawing sites and typing up all this, I guess. The end.

Best to end on a high note. Goodnight, Tumblr.

[Rough Kristeva Sketch 2020 [Saturday, February 22, 2020, 2:10:14 AM]]

12/13/20: My first time drawing "on" my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6, I think (actually on Kleki.com, I don't have permission from myself yet to draw in Sony Sketch on this device since I haven't cleared the app on my S3), again we here have what may be Det. Max Kristeva though I'm not 100% committed to that simply because I didn't reference the previous sketch. Where is the previous sketch? Here it is. It's been a while. And now I see where I've messed up. AAGGRRGGGRRGGG.

Offtopic but since I don't have a blog, today, UPS and FedEx are carrying doses of the first COVID-19 vaccine away from my home state to the rest of the country! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I don't believe I'm in any of the high-risk groups myself (well, I'm obese, but I read about a study that showed obesity in "younger" people--under 65--doesn't seem to affect women the way it does men, so...who knows), so I don't think I'll be on the receiving end of a shot any time soon (unless they decide to do me in the second(?) big batch of recipients since I live with my high-risk parents?--my mother told me to write in to Dr. Sanjay Gupta or somebody to ask about this but I doubt they'd pick my question to answer plus I'm too anxious), though it's not like I ever went anywhere but grocery shopping and restaurants (the latter of which are currently closed for dine-in and I'm not setting foot in one for a good long while even after they reopen), anyway ๐Ÿ˜• ...plus this gives me time to see how effective this stuff is, I guess.

Anyway. I hope this is the start of the end of a really s**tty year. ๐Ÿคž ๐Ÿ˜ท

[Rough Kristeva Sketch 2020 2 [Sunday, December 13, 2020, 3:04:49 PM]]

1/19/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Goals." I don't really set goals for myself since I disappoint myself too much... ๐Ÿ˜• That being said, I still have occasional hopes/goals to try to learn to draw my fictional characters better, so, here's another attempt at Max Kristeva, a Missing Persons detective with multiple personalities! (Yes, that's right.) His story is far too complicated to get into here but there's an older drawing, some info, a link to a WIP story he appears in, and his Toyhou.se link--which needs a bit more updating itself--HERE. And HERE is an older sketch and HERE is another one.

[Max Kristeva 2021 [Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 10:22:18 PM]]

3/14/21: So I think I'm getting the hang of drawing. (My lines are still shaky but I started out in Sony Sketch that way, plus I'm drawing faster than usual, and am unfamiliar with the brushes.) Coloring is still a prospect that frightens me, much less drawing in color. I wasn't thrilled the first time I tried out an airbrush. I might need to just fiddle around some more...just that I hate how long learning takes! Took me over two years to get to drawing decent portraits (and that's NOT counting the previous years of traditional art)! Really don't want to take two more years to do it AGAIN. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ (And I really wish it'd let me choose where to save my art, I'm not going to glut up my device...)

I was planning on coloring Max here but he seems as skeptical as I am. Plus Daylight Saving Time just kicked in, and there goes an hour. Le sigh. Logging off.

EDIT: IbisPaint X apparently automatically records a session each time you do a drawing. I now have a YouTube video of this drawing's creation! You can view it HERE.

[Rough Kristeva Sketch 2021 [Sunday, March 14, 2021, 3:09:04 AM]]

4/15/21: I know I already drew a portrait for Det. Max Kristeva this year, but it was pretty early in my portrait revamp attempts, and the eyes and hair have bothered me greatly since. So, here's a redo. I think I'm finally content with him for now. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Max has a rather disturbing Toyhou.se profile HERE, and if you need a code of your own, let me know, I have a bunch just sitting there waiting to generate and nobody to give them to. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

[Max Kristeva 2021 2 [Thursday, April 15, 2021, 5:50:21 PM]]

D Is For Damien Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/2/25
Last Modified 1/13/25