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Chad Jenner Blog Entry

Chad Jenner
August 11, 2019, 2:12:26 PM
February 4, 2021, 11:41:50 PM
June 5, 2021, 12:51:51 AM

8/11/19: Former Minot police officer Chad Jenner. He's an incarcerated felon, now. That's what happens when you moonlight as a cult hitman.

The hair isn't quite right (it's supposed to be slightly longer on top--though not floppy longer like guys wear it nowadays--and short on the sides), but that always seems to be the case with me. I originally attempted to draw the "bangs" going in the other direction since I haven't tried that much and I wanted to mix it up a bit, but then I realized that they'd be going TOWARD the hair part, which makes no sense. 😐 Or does it? I'm basically going into this whole hair thing blind. (I typed "blond" there on accident. Haha. Ha.)

But anyway. He's supposed to have this clean-cut, Boy Scout, good-guy-next-door look going on, super friendly and easy to get along with, which is a pretty decent asset when you enforce the law all day and then shoot witnesses in your spare time. I only recently came up with his history and you can find it HERE.

(Fun fact: Jenner's name has absolutely nothing intentional to do with Caitlyn Jenner. Back when I wrote Minot (mid-Nineties, I think), Caitlyn was still known as Bruce and I'd never heard of him (now her). Rather, I got the name from the character in Mrs. Frisby & The Rats Of NIMH (the book, though I'd seen the movie, The Secret Of NIMH, first); Jenner was a bad guy in the movie but I seem to recall he appeared only in flashback in the book, and wasn't specifically bad. Anyway, I just liked the name--which I assume was inspired by Edward Jenner, though I could be wrong--and so used it myself. No real reason aside from that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

[Chad Jenner 2019 [Sunday, August 11, 2019, 2:12:26 PM]]

2/4/21: Redo of former Minot police officer Chad Jenner. I say former, as he's an incarcerated felon, now. (Turns out moonlighting as a hitman is totes illegal, y'know?)

His previous portrait and link to Toyhou.se profile are HERE. Fun fact since his old portrait has one, Jenner is one of my (sadly) few asexual characters, and also one of my very few aromantic ones. I have a few romantic asexual characters...I think...and a few such as Jay Campion and probably Shane Buchanan are A-OK with sex but despise romance. Jenner is the only one I can think of so far who ain't got time for any of that. Yes, he was briefly married and had a kid, but that was back when he was still trying to appear "normal" (he's a high-functioning sociopath who didn't realize this until adulthood, y'know, when recruited by the guys who hired him as a hitman), and it's not like he enjoyed it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

('Nother fun fact, Jenner's kid grew up and turns out...she's a sociopath, too, and wants to follow in his footsteps. Not as a cop, but as a hitwoman. Well huh.)

[Chad Jenner 2021 [Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:41:50 PM]]

6/5/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Stinky Saturday." Late and off theme today as we're without TV and Internet and I didn't get today's theme beforehand. 😕 So, here's a redo of my character (former) Officer Chad Jenner, whose previous portrait was bugging the snot out of me.

I'll probably have to go off theme for tomorrow too since the Net'll be out another day and I'll have no reference image of Inspector Gadget, sorry.

[Chad Jenner 2021 2 [Saturday, June 5, 2021, 12:51:51 AM]]

D Is For Damien Character Info

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Page Created 1/2/25
Last Modified 1/13/25