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Stanley Brooks Blog Entry

Stanley Brooks
February 19, 2021, 9:05:02 PM

2/19/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." More attempted character art, Stan Brooks. He is actually NOT a cop, surprise surprise; he has some kind of job in advertising and is pretty well off and has a slew of older sisters. He's also Det. Chance Devetko's husband. (Using facial expression alone, guess which one of them is the social butterfly.)

I'm extremely iffy about this drawing. I wanted to try a hairstyle different from my norm but I've never even tried drawing Brooks before, and aside from him being tall and fit and having brown hair and a friendly face, had no clear mental image of him. I knew I wanted him to look clean cut and a bit slick (not in a sleazy way--Brooks is too idealistic and open to be sleazy), so I tried styling his hair similar to that of Dominick "Sonny" Carisi from Law & Order: SVU, since he's kind of slick looking. Eesh was this hard. Don't think I entirely succeeded but anyway...this'll have to do for now. :/

Oh, and no matter what any previous info I may have written about Brooks says, I've decided he has turquoise eyes. Final word.

[Stanley Brooks 2021 [Friday, February 19, 2021, 9:05:02 PM]]

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Last Modified 1/13/25