Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Sue & Stagger Character/Story Info

The adventures of pegasus Sue and her dragon friend Stagger.


Storyline Creation Date:
Idea: circa 1980s
First known writing: circa 1980s

Sue & Stagger


Generic warnings: None.




I'm not 100% certain any writing was ever produced for this story, so the dates are a guess.

The actual spelling of the title should be Sue & Stager. Although the dragon character's name was always pronounced like the verb "to stumble around awkwardly" or whatever, I misspelled it when young, and was never bothered to fix it even when I discovered my error, so it stayed "Stager" for quite a while. I never "officially" changed it but I rather feel I should, for display here, since technically that is the character's intended name.

Sue was a pegasus...or alicorn. I'm unsure which. She was white with a pink/magenta mane and tail. Maybe I'm just making up the memory but anyway. Stagger was a kind of magenta-colored dragon who was her best friend. Again, maybe my memory conflates the image with a dragon puppet from my Bed Toys, Stanley Steamer, who was a kind of magenta color. But this is what my memory goes with so anyway. I can't remember if Stagger had wings. The name is Stagger, maybe no wings? Sue was a sweet, kind soul, as shown by the fact that she was friends with a dragon. Stagger--to be honest, I'm uncertain if Stagger was a boy or a girl--was shy and uncertain, also a gentle soul but insecure, probably because he/she was a dragon. I believe their adventures were mainly focused on the difference between them and how it didn't matter, Sue saw the good in her friend, and her friend loved her for it. Aww.

Like I said, there's no known existing writing for this that I remember, though I might have written something. Not much though. I can't remember any other characters from their story though I would imagine, as they seem like fairytale characters from a fairytale world, they would have more fairytale friends, though Sue and Stagger were the best of friends. Any other characters and world info will be newly developed.


True friendship is blind. Our differences can make us stronger. See past the surface. A monster isn't always a monster. Friendship where you least expect it.

Table Of Contents

Character Information
Character profiles and brainstorming infodumps.

Storyline Information
Essays and info.

Childhood Writing Character/Story Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 12/29/24
Last Modified 1/12/25