Miss Zebra

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Gender: Cisgender female
Race/Species: Kobold/Gütel
Role: Elder; boutique owner
Brief Profile
Miss Zebra is a kobold/Gütel/house spirit who takes the form of a tiny white zebra with black stripes, a yellow muzzle, and red eyes.
Miss Zebra is an elder. She's very fashionable, stylish, and elegant; she can come across as a little bit haughty at times, though she means no harm by it and tries not to look down on others. Indeed, she's skilled at knowing just which items in her shop will help others feel more confident in themselves, and she does a good business. Everyone knows she's wealthy, though nobody knows where her wealth came from; most villagers assume she's an heiress. The children sometimes imagine outlandish stories about her background. She's graceful, erudite, mildly aloof, and charming.
[Coming soon.]
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