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Gender: Cisgender male
Race/Species: Kobold/Gütel
Role: Child
Brief Profile
Elephant is a kobold/Gütel/house spirit who takes the form of a tiny blue elephant with pink ears and small white tusks.
Elephant is a kindergartner. He's likely an Asian elephant. He's quite a small elephant, which makes him feel shy and insecure, but he's very strong, and the other children often make use of his abilities in their play--for example, he can push aside heavy objects with his trunk, and dig deep holes with his tusks. He's always willing to help out the other children, which unfortunately once in a while leads to him being taken advantage of, since he's reluctant to stand up for himself. He also has an excellent memory, and keeps a mental map of the locations of all the children's favorite secret playing spots.
[Coming soon.]
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